This story came from a mission group from Time Square Church who came to help with a Clairfield Elementary Mobile Pantry:
The line ran as far as the eye can see. The parking lot of Clairfield Elementary School, where we were holding the food pantry, was packed and
people have been standing in line as early as 4am in the morning. People waited for 8-9 hours long to get food. It was set-up like a supermarket with 71 volunteers from different churches, working in stations to register families and to give bread, produce, fresh vegetables, canned goods, juice, dessert, grains, children's books and clothing. We also had volunteers who pushed the shopping carts, helped pick the groceries at each station and helped unload the items in their cars.
They came from all sorts of lives... They were young, old, normal looking, tattered, drug and alcohol addicted, teen moms, and children/people shopping for others who couldn't get out of the house. One woman was shopping for 11 widows who did not have any transportation to get to the school.
5 hours later... we still had almost 200 people to give, not just groceries but also the love of Jesus Christ. We talked, made them feel welcomed, smiled and if led, prayed for people who were leery, tired and may have eaten little for days.
8 hours later... the bread kept coming; 7,000 loaves of bread continuously came throughout the day. Food was given down to the last person, feeding
440 families, representing 1,517 individuals.
All we could do is cry with tears of joy or feel blessed that we could be the hands and feet to show how much God loves them.
To see the rest our their diary: click here.